Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Crude Art of Policy Making

Lessons: The Crude Art of Policy Making All over the world, the price of crude oil experiences wide price swings in times of shortage or oversupply just like other commodities. The crude oil cycle may extend over several years responding to changes in demand and supply. In this paper, we intend to discuss the dynamics and impact in the economy, and how the central banks respond to a rise in oil price. To be able to understand the dynamics of adjustment of oil price, we use the economic diagram of aggregate demand and supply given by D1 and S1 respectively in the left hand graph, where the points they intersect signify that the economy is in equilibrium. In the graph, Q1 is the output at the natural level of output and implies the price, P1. Based on the graph, the shift on aggregate supply curve to the left, to S2 is caused by the firm who imports crude Graph1. The impact of higher oil prices. oil. If the price of importing crude oil is high, then the firm’s production costs will also increase. As a result, it reduces profit so they supply fewer goods and services. This can also relate according to Blanchard, using the equation: P = Pe (1+?) F(1- u,z) where, u = unemployment rate ? = mark up of the price over nominal wage Pe = expected price level In this equation, given the Pe, the increase in the price of oil shows an increase in the mark up, ?. The increase in the mark up will lead the firms to increase their prices, leading to an increase in the price level, P, at any level of output, Q. Then, the aggregate supply curve shifts up or move to the left. In addition, the aggregate demand curve also moves left, to D2. The increase in the price of oil leads the firms to increase their price which decrease the demand and output. As a result, the consumers would be resulted in lower rates of consumption due to increase in the price level. Thus, economy suffers both a negative supply shock and negative demand shock. Over time, output decreases further and the price level increase further. Now we know the impact of the increase of price of oil in the economy. Second we want to know is how the central bank responds in this issue. According to the article, higher oil prices are neither inflationary nor deflationary in themselves. It depends upon how the monetary policy reacts. Based on the right-hand graph, it shows how policy responded after the 1973-74 oil price shock. This will attempt to prevent output falling. For example, based on the article, America’s Federal funds rate was cut from 11% in mid 1974 to less than 6% in 1975, resulting in sharply negative real interest rates. In effect, this shifts the demand curve to the right, to D3, with same output at Q1. But still, the price tends to increase to P3. To hold the inflation down, central banks must increase interest rates. On the left hand graph, this implies a further leftward shift in the demand curve and shows a larger decrease of output. Take note an increase in interest rates does not necessary imply a tightening of policy of inflation which caused by higher oil prices. According to the article, central banks need to raise interest rates to simply keep real interest rates stable. To be able to increase interest rates, there should be a sign of a rise in the core of inflation, excluding the energy prices. In Europe, the increase in inflation tends to spill over into wages compare in America because of less flexible labour markets. So the European Central Bank (ECB) will be more cautious when the oil prices increase. In addition, central banks must know the recurring position of the economy to know if they need to increase interest rates. If the economy is slack, the bigger the risk that increase in crude oil will quickly affect the wages and that firms will be able to pass on higher costs. In contrast, when economy is weak and the oil price decrease then it tends to risks of deflation, the central bank will cut the rates.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Advancement of Robot Technology

The advancement f robot technology is pointless in our world, other than to please the curiosity of the curios; Those who wish for a world full of robots intertwining with humans have not pondered the difficulty and the consequences that may come about with these advancements. An AIR is an advanced interactive robot that, in some cases, is a pet robot that can interact with humans and the environment around them. The Japanese have developed an AIR that is a pet seal named Paro. Paro is a white seal that can interact with humans and the environment by making baby seal noises as its response.Paro can be turned on and off at any time throughout the day, offering control over when it does and does not wish to be used by its users. In experiments, Paro has been found to reduce patient stress, stimulate socialization between patients and their caregivers, and even have the psychological effects of improving relaxation and motivation of its users. Some patients have experienced both positiv e and negative effects of using Paro. In the documentary, â€Å"Mechanical Love†, an elder woman used Paro while in a senior home and she loved it! The other elder women when living in hat same home, however, did not.They became annoyed with Paro as it continued to make noises during the evening game night. The next day, the patient using Paro was sitting alone with another elder woman while eating dinner, the patient said to the woman, â€Å"l really love my pet seal. † The other elder woman responded with a simple, â€Å"Hmpf†, displaying that she wasn't quite fond of Paro. Although some may not enjoy the company of Paro, I encourage the use of the pet seal for those who see a benefit in themselves with the use of it. Humans are born to interact with other humans.When a robot of any kind is introduced, there is always a level of caution and many questions arise during interaction with such robots. Along with the advancement of Paro, the Japanese have also deve loped a robot called a geminoid. A geminoid is a robot â€Å"twin† or clone of a human. One Japanese engineering scientist has developed a geminoid clone that looks almost identical to himself. As also displayed in â€Å"Mechanical love†, the scientists working with this geminoid put him to the test to see how his wife and his daughter would respond to interaction with the robot.The man that they cloned had sensors ttached to his body to portray the movements of his mouth and arms through the robot as ne talked into a microphone that projected his voice out ot the geminoid to mimic himself. The wife was first and she responded quite well to the geminoid. She stated that it was weird, she could deal with the robot but she would much rather prefer her real husband rather than the twin robot. On the other hand, however, the young daughter did not respond well to the robot twin. She found it to be scary and creepy while interacting with him.The father asked the daughter to touch the robot nd she refused because she was too scared. She explained that she wouldn't want the robot in her home in place of her real father in any case. As you can see, there is a high level of caution and awkwardness that is displayed by humans as they interact with the robots. Humans are not born to interact with mechanical beings. Humans are made to form relationships with those who are like them, not with specifically programmed beings. If there is such a day where robots are introduced into our everyday society, a numerous amount of difficulties and communication and relation roblems would arise.With the development of the AIR's and geminoids arises many difficulties of production and advancement of them. The elder women not using Paro thought that it was annoying. Engineering scientists are now attempting to make Paro more responsive to humans and its environment by programming it to know when to make its noises, when not to, and the loudness of its noise responses to e liminate turning it on and off multiple times throughout the day. The wife and daughter that were used in tests with the geminoid responded also saying that the its face and body ovements were awkward compared to a real human.The scientists are now working on making the geminoid's body and facial movements seem more natural, as well as programming the robot able to move and talk by itself, with out the sensors and microphone being used by the human twin. In the future they hope to engineer the robot function in everyday life along with humans. They plan for the robot to express emotion through its voice and body movements and even to perform specific jobs or become a universal robot that can respond to interaction with all humans, environments, and situations.As the scientists advance with such technologies, the robots become more prone to error and wrongdoing. There is always the possibility of a malfunction with the system of the robots, increasing the odds of the geminoid doing s omething that it normally wouldn't do. With the programming of emotion into the geminoid, they may express anger or frustration and become capable of crime or express violence towards its users in certain situations. As so many questions and complications emerge with the development of robot technology, is there really a point to their advancement?Because a large part of the development of robots is to allow them to take over some Job positions to make the production more efficient and more safe, there would be a lack of Jobs for humans. If geminoid technology advances to the point where they cant think, act, and work like humans(like in the documentary Mechanical Love), should our government pay them like we pay humans? There would be no point in paying robots because they cannot eat, they cannot drink, and they have no use in owning a house or any land, and they would have no family to care for. They merely would need a place to stay when they are not being used.Since the goal is to create a geminiod that can think and act like a human, we would have to treat them like a normal human being. Humans would nave to allow them to compete in sports and possibly even run tor president. Allowing them to compete in sports would create an unfair disadvantage to humans. They would be much more durable and be capable of much more athleticism and strength. If we were to allow them to run for president and other governmental positions, geminiods would have some rule over humans and for the majority of umans, that is a very hard subject to imagine.The development of robot technology would have little use a may negatively affect our society as a whole. The goal of the advancement of Paro is to aid certain people with their reduce patient stress, stimulate socialization between patients and their motivation of its users. The goal of the advancement of geminiod technology is allow them to think, act, and respond to their environment, like their human counter parts do. To repl icate the body movements, the responses, the emotions, the learning and emory functions, and Job specifications that humans have would be largely impossible.If this technology were to ever reach that point, there would be more room for error and malfunctions that may lead to crime or violence between humans and robots. Since the robots are clones of humans, we would be required to treat them like humans. This would allow for the next robot superstar sports competitor and possibly the next robot president. If future technology allows this to happen, how would you feel knowing that robots could potentially have rule over humans?

Monday, July 29, 2019

A beginner guide to playing the Shield of Valoran 

A beginner guide to playing the Shield of Valoran  One of the rarest supports to be found on the Rift is surely one of the oldest supports out there, as well as one of the most beloved. Now, he might not be the best pick in the current meta, but other than being a rare pocket pick he can truly turn the game around and help carry your team to victory if played the right way, against an adequate team composition. For the last two seasons I have only once found myself playing against a Taric in lane so if you worry about mirror match-ups in normal games, you can be sure that the chances are next to none when picking Taric. He was recently completely reworked and as of the latest patch (6.12) he is in a somewhat strange place. He is neither as easy as he once was (although he isn’t hard by any stretch of the imagination), nor is he overpowered/underpowered. He shouldn’t be played in every comp since he has a very particular set of skills. I started playing Taric a couple of seasons ago when I first started being a support main. He had an extremely fun kit and was nearly unkillable. The enemy team never focuses you because by the time late game comes, you have around 400 armor and over 3k health, so you don’t have to worry about bad positioning in team fights, no matter how you position they will rarely attack you, meanwhile you would shred their armor, buff your teammates with your ultimate and, when needed, stun the enemy carry with a point and click stun.He went great with a couple of AD Carries, and while in lane, with the right rune and mastery setup, he was one of the tankiest supports out there. Now it’s a bit of a different story. Let’s take a look at his new kit: Abilities PASSIVE: Bravado His passive is a simple one. After casting an ability, his next two basic attacks deal increased damage and reduce his cooldowns. Q: Starlight’s Touch Taric’s Q ability is still a heal albeit a different one. Now it stores charges, up to three. It takes 15s to get one charge and you heal yourself as well as an ally that your W ability is tethered to. (more on that below) Now this ability is nice since it is a heal and those are always great to have while laning but it’s really weak compared to Nami’s heal. After a couple of these when out of combat you can really feel the difference but in the long run it’s not something that is going to benefit you too greatly. W: Bastion This ability has a passive and an active component. Passively, it increases Taric’s armor as well as the armor of the teammate it’s tethered to. When you activate it, it gives you and your ally a shield for 2.5 seconds for a percent of their maximum health. You will be using this ability only for tethering, changing the tether target and giving the active shield. It’s not a lot, but you should use it strategically. The shield also isn’t something to write home about but it can be a life-saver when needed. E: Dazzle This is your bread and butter. After a 1 second delay, Taric blasts his hammer in a straight direction and if an enemy is to be found at the end of it —they’re getting stunned for up to 1.75s. (the duration scales with level)Now, first of all this ability is a skillshot, so you can miss it easily. The visual indicator also looks a bit longer than the ability actually is, so you should also have that in mind. It takes some time to get used to, especially if you’re used to the old Taric, but nothing too special. Now for the catch. It can stun multiple targets! On top of that, not only does Taric get a beam that can stun but his tethered ally gets one as well. So in theory you have an even bigger chance to land that skillshot, and you can also use it in teamfights. Realistically, when the fight starts you usually can’t see much when all the ability effects start to stack up, (depending on the number of participants and the champions used) so having two stunni ng beams is something really beneficial. R: Cosmic Radiance After a 2.5s delay, a mysterious cosmic energy makes Taric and his tethered ally invulnerable for 2.5s. The amazing thing here is that any other ally that is inside the aura when the ability activates also gets affected, so in theory your whole team can be invulnerable for that duration.Depending on what you’re going for, this is a miraculous ability. It is more than enough to change the direction your fight is going, and you can use it for diving your enemies and any other purpose. It has a longer cooldown, but with your passive and the Frozen Heart (20% cooldown reduction) it goes down a significant amount.As for the order in which you level up your abilities, you can check the very in-depth statistics from the latest Skill Order (Patch 6.12) When to pick Taric? You should pick Taric when against full AD compositions, since he is one of a small group of champions that scale of armor. Against those comps Taric might be the best possible pick if you can play him right and if your team needs a tanky support. In general, Taric counters most engage supports out there. When they initiate, he can counter with an easy to land stun. Of course, it mostly boils down to a skill matchup in the 2v2 lane. He is however insanely countered by poke mage supports like Sona and Soraka, and Morgana. He is tanky, and he does have a heal, but he has problems engaging against supports that keep a distance and constantly poke. If you succeed in outplaying them a couple of time it becomes easier, but it’s also a skill matchup. I’ve won countless times against a Morgana because me and my duo ADC have fantastic synergy because we’ve been playing for years now. Had that been a random solo queue ADC, I believe the outcome would have been completely different. Also, depending on your ELO, Taric can be viable only up to high Gold. Already in Platinum he is a stretch in terms of viability, so keep that in mind. He is one of the easiest champions to learn but also has a good skill ceiling, and pul ling of a game winning ultimate or stunning the whole enemy team is a fantastic feeling. If you’re new to supporting or just want to have some fun — he is a great pick, but don’t underestimate the impact he can have on a game. Laning with Taric While playing Taric in lane your objectives are very clear. Protect your ADC at all costs, while also trying to survive his weak early game. You can’t rely on your heal any longer since even with 3 stacks it heals for an extremely small amount, and your W is fairly straightforward, you use it either to get a shield for you and/or your linked ally or to link to someone else, so that really simplifies the way you play the game with Taric. Act as a human shield, try to stun as many people as possible and use your ultimate to protect as many allies as you can. While in lane, try to survive and wait for a gank from your jungler. When that happens, you have huge kill potential with the way your stun works. With some good coordination it can easily result in a kill or two. Do have in mind that you can also activate Dazzle (E) and flash while it’s channeling to catch the enemy AD or support unprepared. It can be tricky to land that way but it’s nothing impossible and you should have this in mind if it’s needed to secure the kill. Roaming with Taric is another good thing to do when you get the chance. Taric’s ganks on mid almost always result in a burned flash from the enemy midlaner and since no one wants to get stunned, people will often flash preemptively so you usually won’t have to pull any flashy plays in order to get an advantage for your midlaner. As for summoner spells — always take Flash, that is a general rule for Taric, and depending on the enemy team, you can take either Exhaust or Ignite. Exhaust is the best choice if the enemy team has assassins like Zed or Rengar or any similar champion, where a well timed exhaust can change the direction of a teamfight, and ignite gives you higher kill potential while in lane, and should be picked if playing against a champion that has a lot of healing built in their kit like Volibear, Soraka or Dr. Mundo. Now, regarding his item build order, here is what Platinum+ players are building on the current patch. (6.12) It’s a general rule that you don’t build mechanically, you need to adapt not only to the enemy team comp but to the situation you’re in at every moment in the game, from the beginning of the laning phase to late game. You wouldn’t always need Thornmail, but if the enemy team comp is full of AD (and preferably auto-attack heavy) champions it is a good and cheap item to get, especially since Taric scales so well off of armor. If you’re playing against a couple of AP champions, top and mid or perhaps Elise jungle, you should always get Locket of the Iron Solari not just for it’s active but passive magic resist aura for your team. You should always go a bit more in-depth if you can when thinking of item build order. If you’re losing in lane 2v2 and the enemy jungler isn’t present on the lower half of the map, it is OK if you delay your Sightstone, and go for some defensive items like a Cloth Armor and so on since it might be more beneficial in the short term when another 2v2 fight breaks build order. (Patch 6.12) Another fantastic thing about Taric’s new kit is the fact that you can rebind your W to another ally at any moment in the game. This is a fantastic strategic advantage not because of the active on the ability (the shield) but because of your ult. If you have a fed Katarina on your team, you should bind her seconds before she jumps into the enemy team to wreak havoc. Since she will be invulnerable for 2.5 seconds, this gives more than enough time for your team to follow up, while at the same time defending her for any kind of damage she might receive while being in the heart of battle. This goes for any kind of carry or assassin champion. Two and a half seconds is incredibly long in-game and can turn the game around in your favour. Of course, if your team is all grouped up then it doesn’t matter that much if your W is on your ADC or some other ally since the ultimate has a large area of effect and every teammate will be affected. Taric should be played aggressively but w ith some planning. You shouldn’t just go in like crazy, but he is extremely durable and tanky so you shouldn’t be scared of going in and being the frontline.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Psychological development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychological development - Assignment Example As the reproductive organs grow, the individuals begin to explore their sexuality. A very common result of this is heightened self-awareness. Some adolescents tend to compare their pattern of development with that of others that leads them to self-consciousness whereas others who exhibit perfect growing signs like height develop self-confidence. Adolescents become aware that the changes in their physique that they are noticing are also witnessed by people around them. Such changes include increase of height, and change of voice etc. In their attempt to grow ideally during the puberty, many adolescents experiment with their looks by changing their hairstyles. Since the adolescents are looks-conscious during this stage, such physical changes as acne and increased body odor can cause embarrassment in the adolescents. Gynecomastia is another commonly occurring condition in boys during puberty which is very embarrassing for them. They might not want to socialize with their friends in such condition and some even become isolated. Such boys avoid swimming and are shy of taking their shirts off in public places. The depression experienced during puberty can form mental scars for a

Argentinas economic status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Argentinas economic status - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that with 23 states and also an autonomous city, Argentina had been the second largest country in Latin America. Covering a total area of 2766890 square kilometers the country stands as the eight largest nations measured 30th in terms of population. The country had a fairly high per capita income in 1920 but suffered from severe political instability during the 80s due to the  economic crisis. The country was under 22 years of military rule and after that changed 25 presidents. Currently, the country is recovering from a severe downturn that it suffered owing to the 2001-02 economic crises. Reportedly the country has defaulted on debt in 2005 and then made a debt repayment of $9.5 million to IMF in January 2006. IMF even questions Argentina’s accounting measures and credibility of data especially the one concerned with inflation. Keeping this at backdrop the paper intends to present a study of Argentina’s economic status by looking upon its past history of economic crisis and also examining the extent of recovery from such a crisis currently. The country of Argentina situated in Latin America had been going through a political turmoil for many years along with disastrous economic conditions. Economic crisis followed by debt crisis has been piling up one after another. Currently, the country is facing the problems of high prices and persistent double-digit inflation.... To test such a hypothesis we first consider a brief history of the past economic problems and then address the current economic problem through various findings and analysis. We also look upon the technical and financial assistance provided by the developmental organizations World Bank and IMF. Literature review Several economists have analyzed and performed research studies on Argentina’s economic condition. A research study has been performed to get an idea of poverty prevailing in Argentina due to such economic conditions. The data has been collected from EPH which is the main household survey of Argentina. Real income has been taken as an indicator of poverty and inequality. Fall in real income (8%) for the years 1992-96 comes along with the increase in GDP (8.9%) for the same years. Such a discrepancy reveals an overestimation of GDP in the data provided by local Argentinean surveys. Some unaccounted income such as rent and capital income might also be a cause for such a dubious result (Gasparini). Growth incidence curves have also been used for studying the changes in income pattern. The curves have been below the horizontal axis and positively sloped. High inequality in income is revealed from such a study of income changing patterns (Gasparini). Poverty status of Argentina has been studied using poverty lines with three poverty indicators namely the headcount ratio, the poverty income gap and FGT. Value of poverty lines have been expressed in local currency units. The data has collected for the period 1992-06. Such a study has shown that although Argentina has somewhat recovered from the 2001-02 crisis it has not been able to eradicate poverty. With the crisis there has been

Saturday, July 27, 2019

In Doctor Strangelove, there was a great deal of emphasis placed upon Essay

In Doctor Strangelove, there was a great deal of emphasis placed upon the - Essay Example In 1964, Herbert Marcuse introduced to the word his radical masterpiece entitled One-Dimensional Man. He unbolted an impressive question at the opening of his book in which he inquired about the irony of the very function of the atomic catastrophe; he stipulated that while the annihilation of humankind is imminent due to the escalating inventions of weapons of mass destruction, these warfare technologies are the primary protectors of the power that created the danger. Recently, Marcuse budged his attention from thermonuclear destruction into pop culture or the production of cultural representations which are largely shown in consumer products. Marcuse dedicated much of his thinking time in calculating the upshots of technological advancement today. He stalwartly judged that empires generated technological stratagems to finally liberate an individual from excruciating labor and lack of knowledge while at the same time making use of these technologies to outwit and even outlast them. T he dilemma of this new development is the very existence of agencies of cultural diffusion such as the media and the information machineries which supposed to be a guiding light towards functional responsiveness and yet serve to preserve the balance or status quo. The postmodern world which is characterized by the buying and selling of not only goods and services, but also in massive extent information, lay claim to people’s mind fabricating a nostalgia of self-sufficing exploitation. A one-dimensional man dwells in the contemporary world who is actually a pleased, innovative being but then devoid of the immaterial understanding of his universe which is in reality governed by discourse and action. He will become a mainstay in the comfort zone he weaved with the help of modern artifacts and will never take the possibility of dallying outside the mirage provided to

Friday, July 26, 2019

CTV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

CTV - Assignment Example Firstly, technology management issues must be identified and discussed. Secondly, the situation prior to the incident must be discussed. Thirdly, the events that occurred during the collapse of the building should be elaborated. In this context, lack of a predetermined evacuation process deserves special mention. Fourthly and finally, the aftermath of the incident should be analysed. In recommending solutions to the earthquake resistant building design issues as witnessed in this case study, it is considered an imperative to advocate for modernising the building code and construction methods. Moreover, supervisory committees consisting of engineering professionals must be created that can consistently monitor the cityscape on the basis of practical professional knowledge. This kind of overseer committees can provide more authentic technical evaluations in the context of commercial building maintenance and management. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Analytical discussion 4 2a. Issues in technology management 6 2b. Issues before the disaster 7 2c. Issues during the collapse 7 2d. CTV Building disaster aftermath 8 3. Summary and concluding remarks 8 4. Recommendations 9 Reference List 11 Appendix 13 1. Introduction The CTV Building disaster of February 2011 has become a landmark incident in the world of engineering and construction sciences. CTV Building disaster received much of the limelight because on the day this building collapsed due to an earthquake, other buildings in the vicinity remained far less damaged than it. The earthquake that hit Christchurch on 22nd February 2011 left scars of destruction all over the city but that did not reach the unprecedented disaster that took place at the CTV Building. According to MacRae and Dhakal (2011, p. 5), some buildings had suffered â€Å"partial collapse† (e.g. PGC Building) or â€Å"total collapse† (e.g. CTV Building). Several people died and things went wrong especially in the CTV building, w here over a hundred persons died. However, most of the other buildings across Christchurch withstood the shocks of the February earthquake. Buildings such as the Forsyth Barr building lost only staircases and noticeable distortion of concrete structures could be noticed mainly at the basement or ground floor areas. 2. Analytical discussion Although this paper is aimed at exploring the management specific issues of CTV Building disaster, technology related problems and contextual analyses of engineering issues cannot be avoided. In fact, technology management itself can be regarded as an integrated part of the whole commercial building management task which is a continuous and active process in itself. Christchurch is situated in an unsafe zone and a powerful earthquake had already hit the CTV Building back in September 2010. A very important note in this milieu has been explicitly mentioned by Isaac Davison from The New Zealand Herald: â€Å"The Royal Commission also found that aft er the first major quake in September 2010 the CTV building was "green-stickered" by a rapid assessment team and later by three council building officials, none of whom was an engineer.† (Davison 2012) In this observation, Davison has mentioned the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission’s final report regarding the disaster (see Final Report: Roles and Responsibilities 2012). This commission had been delegated the task to investigate the issues

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Code of Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Code of Ethics - Coursework Example PhD., â€Å"Ethical Issues†). During the last staff meeting, my staff supervisor takes me aside in order to report that she caught four of our regularly employed on site caregivers gossiping about their wards inability to control their bladder and bowel functions and how they hated havign to clean up their wards and that they could not help but scold them for making such a mess of themselves at their ages. They bragged about often getting away with holding snacks, meals, and desserts from their ward in order to â€Å"teach them a lesson† . A closer investigation using surveillance video on the supervisors part shows that these particular employees regularly verbally abuse and indirectly physically assault their patients. As the owner and president of this company. It is my duty to ensure that my geriatric residents are treated properly and fairly. More importantly, I must guard against any abuses of their rights and privileges as a human being. Knowing fully well that there are state and national laws against such abuses, my license will now be on the line and could be taken away from me at any given time should any of my employees be caught in the act of abusing a patient. It is up to me to put an end to the abuse before a relative of the resident discovers the situation and takes legal action against the employee and my company. I must therefore take our company Code of Ethics into consideration when deciding as to how to deal with the erring caregivers. After all, a violation of a company code of ethics should be grounds for immediate dismissal. I understand that all of my employees shall come to me with a theoretical and practical knowledge of how to care for senior residents. However, not all of them will have the psychology training that is required for this type of specialized care. Therefore, it is incumbent upon me to provide them with the guidelines pertaining to proper

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Excessive Materialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Excessive Materialism - Essay Example "The foundation of America was built on the idea of being a land with endless opportunity. That opportunity was not only freedom to oneself, but also the opportunity to gain much wealth." (Jackson, n.d., para. 1). Each citizen's prosperity was a reward for their hard work and diligence (Wikipedia, The American Dream, n.d., para. 1). However, the American Dream has been dramatically redefined to reflect the excessive materialism that is representative of the crumbling moral and social core of today's world. The new American Dream, fueled by excessive materialism, has brought new and detrimental values to a society that has already gone astray. In addition, the American Dream as it exists today is more and more difficult to attain, because it is built on unrealistic ideals. As people work harder and harder to consume more and more, their lives are out of balance. In the quest for wealth as measured by purchases and materials items, their quality of life diminishes with the loss of fami ly and personal time. Excessive materialism, in trampling our esteemed and treasured American identity, threatens our individual well being, collective justice and ecological balance today and in the future. is consumed by consumers of expensive coffee, name brand clothing, chic cars, trendy hair cuts, cell phones, laptops, and portable video games. A large portion of people are talking on a cell phone and a larger portion of people look stressed out. The biggest and most obvious difference to me is how the children dress, talk, behave and play compared to even when I was young. In absorbing my surroundings, I realized that excessive materialism has become an accepted value in our society. The concept of materialism can be traced back in biblical history and literature. Mammon is used in the New Testament to describe materials wealth or greed and to personify a false god (Wikipedia, Mammon, n.d.). Webster defines 'Mammon' as 1) the false god of riches and avarice and 2) riches regarded as an object of worship and greedy pursuit; wealth as an evil, more or less personified (Websters, 1977). Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically evaluate the management of sustainability at Barclays Essay

Critically evaluate the management of sustainability at Barclays through the triple bottom line, and critically comment on the c - Essay Example The banking industry should be responsible for proper risk management, upholding business ethics and investor protection. However, their contribution to the society and environment by way of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is important for a sustainable growth and development in the long run. Organizational culture and management According to Yeung (2011, p. 112) the bankers shall establish positive organizational culture and socially responsible mindset in the organization and demonstrate accountability and creditability by reducing risks and enhancing quality of service to customers and community through effective and efficient internal audit. Therefore, the bankers’ primary responsibilities of accountability and creditability are very important. The Salz Review is an independent review of certain Barclays’ processes, business practices and culture.   Anthony Salz who headed the Salz Review Team observed â€Å"Despite its turbulent recent history, Barclays ha s emerged from the financial crisis, somewhat against the odds, as one of the world’s leading banks. But this has been achieved at a cost. Significant failings developed in the organisation as it grew. The absence of a common purpose or common set of values has led to conduct problems, reputational damage and a loss of public trust† (Salz Review, 2013) During the period of financial crises there has been â€Å"disproportionate sharing of risk between employees and shareholders became apparent† (Salz Review, 2013, p. 163). The report has also highlighted absence of values, cultural inconsistencies, insufficiency of strong controls, focus on financial performance, but lack of focus on development of its people that led to conduct problems, breach of regulations, investigations, litigations and loss of public trust. Also, the report suggests that Barclays has to re-establish its purpose and values with customer focussed culture by reassessing its governance and risk management. The report concludes that it will need perseverance and consistency at all levels of leadership. (Ibid, p. 164) In response to this review report Barclays (2013b, p. 1) clearly stated â€Å"The Board is committed to implementing all of the recommendations and to publishing an account of our progress in doing so going forward† It should also be remembered that the review has appreciated many other positive aspects and stated that the problems faced by Barclays are also industry problems in some ways though Barclays is cautioned about taking comfort from this. Sustainable management and Social accounting Non-financial accounting and reporting developed over years have been founded on the principles of corporate accountability. The society provides capital, resources and patronage for the growth and development of the companies. Therefore, social and economic sustainability are fundamental for the stability and growth of the commercial organizations. Sustainability accounting seeks to quantify the effects of the contributions made by the companies by way of corporate social responsibility. Barclays published 2011 Citizenship Report, its environmental and social performance for the 12th year on 26 April 2012 (Barclaysa, 2013a). The highlights include ?63.5m invested in communities, 73,000 employees involved in fundraising activities and four per cent reduction in C02 emissions, achieved ahead of our 2013 target date. Corporate Social Responsibility forms the basis for sustainable managem

Human Trafficking Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking Essay Human trafficking is a very prevalent issue in today’s societies throughout the world. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. The extremely high demand for sex and cheap labor are two of the leading factors in the expansion of human trafficking. Despite efforts from various individuals and organizations, millions and millions of men and women are illegally traded each year. Many agree that human trafficking is a horrific injustice but fail to acknowledge the underlying conditions that enable the growth of this industry. The various reasons most individuals fail to think deeper than the surface issues to address the underlying issues are discussed in depth in The Sociological Imagination by C.Wrighr Mills. Until the underlying issues are acknowledged and corrected, more and more humans will be illegally traded. According to The Sociological Imagination, many problems of society are overlooked because the issues do not directly impact the individual’s life. Many individuals do not make the connection between their own life and the big picture, in this case the relevance of human trafficking. They fail to see that although human trafficking may not directly impact one’s life, the illegal trade of humans may indirectly impact their life. The humans illegally traded, not only face sexual and labor exploitation but many are forced into marriage. Others are forced to become street beggars or child soldiers. In some of the worst cases the humans trafficked are killed and their organs are sold on the organ black market. Individuals not aware of these alternate forms of human trafficking usually fail to see how common it is and do not see the indirect impact human trafficking may have on their life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on the global scale are the efforts to stop human trafficking are being concentrated on the wrong principles. Organizations like SafeHorizon, Called to Rescue, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Deborah’s Gate all focus on rescuing individuals from trafficking or helping individuals assimilate back into society after being trafficked. I acknowledge these are very useful tactics but these organizations are only addressing the victims after they have been traumatized instead of addressing the underlying issues of why there is human trafficking and developing ways to prevent it. Some of their efforts should be transferred to implementing procedures or strategies that prevent individuals from becoming victims instead of for after they become victims. The corruption of government officials and police force in countries where human trafficking is most prominent, also play a large role in the growth and expansion of human trafficking in certain regions. Bribes are taken so certain businesses are not investigated or raided. These businesses are known to illegally trade human beings but they are allowed to continue their illegal actions. Authorities are aware certain individuals are partaking in human trafficking but merely look the other way. Until this changes or the corrupt government officials and police officers are removed from power, the number of humans illegally traded will continue to rapidly grow. But even honest government officials and police officers face difficultly in combating human trafficking. Human trafficking is such a lucrative business because of the high demand for sex that even when authorities are able to apprehend individuals who are trading humans illegally, new individuals pop up and pick up where they left off. Another obstacle authorities face is that many individuals who are involved in human trafficking operate at such a small scale, it is very difficult to know about their actions. Numerous individuals illegal trade humans in small rural homes or small businesses and keep their actions very discrete. Authorities trying to end human trafficking face almost insurmountable odds. The Sociological Imagination touched on the idea that individuals feel trapped by the problems of today. They are unable to look beyond the immediate troubles and issues. Humans are too consumed with the struggles off everyday life to invest time in correcting large-scale social injustices. Individuals feel as if their vision and powers are limited to the smaller scale of their jobs, family and neighborhood. This idea is another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on a global scale. If one feels as if they are powerless and cannot change or do not have the time to change large scale issues, then change is not brought about. One individual can make change no matter how big or small the injustice they are trying to combat is. Until one internalizes and begins to believe they can make a difference, their efforts usually are consumed by irreverent problems of everyday life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking is that many individuals are distracted from the larger social injustices. The media chooses which stories to shed light upon and in turn decide the importance of issues. If an individual is exposed to the same story numerous times, they are inclined to believe that story is more relevant and important than a story that receives less coverage. Some forms of media purposely give more coverage to celebrity drama or irreverent issues to distract individuals from the larger issues. The larger issues can more easily be swept under the rug if â€Å"the people† are not addressing them. If the horrors and alarming statistics of human trafficking where displayed in the media more often, people would be more inclined to correct the conditions that enable the construction and expansion of human trafficking. The Sociological Imagination opened my mind to the conditions that prevent individuals from dealing with the troubles and issues that matter. Individuals are seldom aware of the intricate connections between the patterns of their own lives and the course of the world. Because they do not make this connection most individuals cannot cope with their personal troubles in an efficient enough way to be aware of the structural transformations that lie beneath them. Sociological Imagination is having the ability to grasp reality by putting everything into perspective to make sense of the non-sense by thinking below the surface. Until more individuals possess this sociological imagination, things will not change.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Modern Audience Essay Example for Free

Modern Audience Essay â€Å"It is impossible for a modern audience to feel comfortable with the Taming of The Shrew† with close reference to Shakespeare’s presentation of Katharina, comic conventions and having the above question in mind, write about your response to the ending of the play In my opinion, The Taming of The Shrew tells the story of an abusive marriage and I would agree with the view that it is impossible for a modern audience to feel comfortable with the play, especially the conclusion of the story. Shakespeare’s presentation of Katharina at the end of the play seems to me to be one of a broken person; she is almost robotic in her obedience and without spirit, except for when singing the praises of wifely submission. â€Å"Thy husband is thy Lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign† is a prime example of the disturbing brainwashing Petruchio has carried out on her. This humbled ‘Kate’ is a far cry from the feisty Katharina we are first greeted by in Act 2, where she exchanges a vicious battle of words with Petruchio; â€Å"Asses are made to bear and so are you†. This phrase in itself shows that she is fearless, and defies her society’s conventions, cursing at strangers; a sad contrast to the plays ending, where she has totally conformed to what’s expected of her. The ending of the play also contains very little comedy, with the exception of the argument as to who is the real Vincentio, and the fight between Kate and the Widow. This is because the Taming of the shrew defies most Shakespearian comedy conventions, as the marriage takes place midway the play, rather than at then end as was traditional. I believe that this adds to the discomfort of the modern audience, as after the supposed ‘happy ending’ we are faced with the harsh reality of Petruchio’s treatment of Kate. Shakespeare presents Katharina as completely changed by the end of the play. At first she is wild and seemingly untameable; we see her tie up her sister and argue violently with both Petruchio and her father. â€Å"So may you lose you arms, if you strike me, you are no gentleman, and if no gentleman, why then no arms† Here, Shakespeare presents Katharina as highly skilled with word manipulation, generating humour with her insulting play on words with â€Å"arms† as she brands Petruchio simply a commoner if he would strike her. This is in stark contrast to the ending of the play where she seems to have no free will. She is practically enslaved to Petruchio, agreeing with his every thought and whim. An example of this is Act 4, Scene 5, Petruchio and Kate see Vincentio and Petruchio refers to him as a â€Å"fair and lovely maid†, instructing Kate to â€Å"embrace her for her beauty’s sake†. Shakespeare’s use of a command word clearly shows Petruchio’s power and utter control in their relationship. Vincentio is obviously a man, but despite this, and despite a warning from Hortensio that this pretence will anger Vincentio, â€Å"a will make the man mad, to make a woman of him†, Kate does indeed embrace him for his beauty’s sake; â€Å"Young budding virgin, fair fresh and sweet†. This elaborate language with its piling up of adjectives is an example of hyperbole used for comic effect. It is perhaps also, on a less humorous note, an instance of what many feminists would see as the darker side of The Taming of the Shrew, and the destruction of Katherina’s personality; this is a strong interpretation as she could be seen to be using this elaborate language due to her desperation to please Petruchio or her fear of punishment. Petruchio further exerts his power over Kate by then changing his mind and accusing Kate of madness. â€Å"I hope thou art not mad, this is a man† she readily agrees, ignoring the fact that Petruchio has undermined and humiliated her, and begs for his pardon over her stupidity. This scene is a prime example of the change Petruchio has caused from Katharina to Kate. She is not the character we met in Act 2, and this transformation could be said to be uncomfortable for a modern audience to watch. It is unpleasant to see one human being so completely at the hands of another, and whether this total obedience is due to love, fear or desperation is down to the audience to decide. I think this adds a more disquieting edge to the play as Shakespeare seems to condone Petruchio’s taming, or what most modern audiences would see as abuse. However, some critics, for instance Lucy Bailey, director for the RSC, have stated that the play is a curiously misunderstood love story, not the abusive tale of misogyny some modern audiences would see it as; Bailey says that Petruchio and Kate’s attraction is instant, and that what follows after their first meeting is simply fore-play. Nonetheless, this interpretation is hard to digest in the face of the cruelty Petruchio inflicts on Kate, why would a man in love treat the object of his affections like one of his farm animals? This treatment is particularly shown during Act 4 where Petruchio begins his ‘taming’, he attempts to train Kate as one would train a dog. EXAMPLE. Evaluate language. Other critics have explained this treatment by saying that Petruchio is driven mad by grief after the death of his father he â€Å"takes out his disaffection and anger on other people almost as an experiment. (Director David Farr) The best example of Shakespeare’s changing presentation of Katharina to Kate can be seen in the final scene, in her speech. She has not spoken for several pages, but then, on Petruchio’s command, launches into the longest speech in the entire play, expelling the virtues of being a good wife. The first reason that most modern audiences would find this scene uncomfortable to watch is the way that Petruchio instructs Kate to â€Å"Tell these headstrong women what duty they do owe to their Lords and husbands†. This phrase itself could be seen to be problematic for modern audiences to digest. In the 21st century, men and women are equal, so the way that Petruchio refers to men as â€Å"Lords†, implies a power and control over women that is uncomfortable for most modern audiences to hear. Shakespeare cleverly prioritises the word Lord over Husband in this line emphasising the debt Petruchio feels women owe their husbands, like peasants owe their Lords. In this statement, Petruchio also uses headstrong as an insult, whereas in modern Britain, although it can have negative connotations, headstrong is often a positive personality attribute, implying one knows ones own mind. The ending of The Taming of the Shrew contains very little comic elements, making it all the more uncomfortable. There is the scene in which Vincentio encounters the pedant impersonating himself . The audience has not seen Kate as impassioned during her speech since she was Katharina; we see some of her old spark when she refers to Bianca and The Widow as â€Å"froward and unable worms†. However, this insult could be seen as a sad reflection of how Petruchio has twisted her feisty nature to suit his own needs. Most modern spectators would see the entire speech as incredibly anti-feminist, and I believe that due to this it is impossible for most modern audiences to feel comfortable with The Taming of The Shrew. Kate suggests women should â€Å"kneel for peace† and â€Å"place your hands below your husband’s foot†. These phrases evoke feelings of servitude and to most modern audiences are difficult to hear. Kate’s ‘realisation’ that women are weak, their â€Å"lances nothing but straws† contrasts to her physical violence at the start of the play where she attacks Petruchio. â€Å"That I’ll try (she strikes him)†. Shakespeare uses regal imagery in this speech to show the total infatuation and obedience Kate feels towards Petruchio. She refers to husbands and ‘Lords’, ‘Sovereigns’, ‘Heads’ and ‘Princes’, and these words show the power Petruchio has over Kate and the power she believes all husbands should have over their wives: one of absolute control, akin to the monarch. Shakespeare’s effective listing of these nouns emphasises Kate’s uncanny passion towards Petruchio and wifely obedience. Similes are also widely used in Kate’s final speech; for example, â€Å"to dart a scornful glance† at ones husband â€Å"blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads†. Kate now believes that obedience is beauty, and for most modern audiences who live in a society where independence is valued and celebrated, it is impossible to feel comfortable with these ideas.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Effects Of Divorce Children And Young People Essay

The Effects Of Divorce Children And Young People Essay Divorce is always a dreadful experience in a persons life, especially a childs. When parents divorce, children are not always acknowledged during the termination and settlement process. This oversight can lead to problems with the childs perception of day to day life. The impact divorce has on a family is far more noticeable to the children of the family than to the parents. As a child, there are many circumstances or situations that affect a view, opinion, attitude, and/or memory. Children have many daily struggles of their own to cope with, such as peer pressure and learning exactly who they are. Adults and parents sometimes forget what it is like to be a child dealing with some of the childhood pressures that children face, especially in todays society. Many parents do not realize how something like divorce could possibly affect their children as much as it does them. In any case, most children are strongly affected by divorce. Some react and handle the situation differently than others, but all experience some kind of emotional change. Divorce can cause many different emotions to arise that children may be unfamiliar with, and those behaviors may cause some behavioral changes. Feeling angry and sad are some common feelings of children dealing with divorce (Schor, 2004). Children have a hard time comprehending why their mother and father are arguing and cannot figure out why they are deciding to separate. The family needs to try their best to explain to the child why they are separating, while comforting the child as much as possible (Schor, 2004). Much research has been conducted to study the effects of divorce on children. While there are some basic truths these studies reveal, the fact is that each child is unique and may react differently from other children (Sember, p. 9). A child may have certain emotional reactions to separation and divorce, including sadness, embarrassment, concerns about being cared for, regression, maturity, and physical symptoms. It is believed that reactions to a divorce can be similar to the reactions of losing a loved one. According to Pickhardt, There is a fear of rejection: If my parents can stop loving each other, can they stop loving me? There is fear of the future: What will happen to me now? There is fear of abandonment: If my parents can leave each other, they can also leave me. In the face of these uncertainties, a child may regress by acting more immature and dependent in order to receive more attention and caretaking support. The fighting that occurs between parents can cause children to react negatively and they can begin to show aggression towards others. Children can also begin to act up in class and become defiant towards authority, which usually results in their grades dropping. Often children have difficulties learning to cope with their feelings and feel like they are on an emotional rollercoaster (Ford, 2005). Theyre also often stuck between a battle zone and as result can suffer psychological problems. Feelings of hopelessness may take over for many kids because they have no control or input to what is going on in their lives (Ford, 2004). Divorce itself is inevitably an unpleasant situation, but it has been seen that children with siblings tend to cope better than any single child household in most instances, especially in cases where thoughtless parents take the unpleasant route of trying to split up the children in an effort to hurt the other party. Effectively, children with siblings develop best with the divorce, single children trailing behind, with split siblings ultimately taking the worst mental beating out of the lot. The reasons for this may not at first be obvious, but let us take a moment to review the family dynamic itself and just what divorce does to the relationship of siblings. A once intact family is effectively torn in two with the legal action of divorce, children are torn in their views in loving both mother and father, and ultimately they mourn for what is almost literally the death of the family dynamic itself. It is no longer the normal life of mother, father, and children, but now a complicated life split between the children and their parents, possibly further complicated by a step family or the constant tension between mother and father. In this situation a sibling becomes a sort of buffer zone, an emotional barrier between the pain and loss of the divorce and a happy family life. The sibling represents something concrete, a brother or sister that will (or should) remain. An individual who shares in the same pain and can be used as a more than viable coping mechanism, perhaps one of the only truly healthy coping outlets available to a child going through the divorce process. Starkly in the opposite direction one can see the further damage caused when divorcing parents choose to split their off springs like they have their various possessions. Here, the child(ren) need not only cope with the loss of mom or dad, but must also wrestle with the torment of being removed from someone who has been a lifelong companion. Instead of being given a viable outlet in the shape of a brother or sister this child(ren) is removed from most everything he or she has known in one solid legal swoop. Divorce brings about a lot of legal issues, which include child custody, visitation, holiday issues, and child support. There are a few different types of custody arrangements. There is joint custody with visitation, which means that you share custody with the other parent. You are supposed to make all decisions together that may affect the child, and both parents must agree to the visitation schedule. Second, there is sole custody with visitation which is where one parent makes most of the decisions and does not need the other parents approval. Lastly, shared custody is where the childs time is split evenly between both parents. Both parents are responsible for all decisions and neither parent is considered residential. But regardless as to what type of custody agreement is decided, the child(ren) are the one(s) who will be the most affected by this decision. Once a custody agreement is made then the non-custodial parent is granted visitation. Visitation is important so that the child can spend time equally with both parents. This sometimes requires splitting holidays. Holidays are probably the worst part about visitations because children are use to spending the holidays together as a family, but as children age the visitation schedules change to accommodate both the child and the parents. This is simply because an infant shouldnt be expected to adhere to the same schedule as an older child. For example, infants may have a harder time adjusting because it is more important for them to stick to a schedule; frequent and short visits from the other parent is best. Also, sticking to feeding and nap times is important, otherwise, the baby can be extremely cranky. Toddlers have difficulty with separation anxiety from either parent. Transitions should be made gradually as toddlers often display aggression by biting or hitting. Preschool aged children begin to realize that their parents dont live together anymore and start to ask questions and they can also begin another type of visitation schedule, such as weekend visits. Elementary aged children need more time for homework after school and it is important for both parents to help the child stay organized so that they are able to turn in their assignments on time to their teacher. Children from 8-12 are considered tweens and may start to take sides or try to act perfect in hopes that their parents will get back together. It is ok to let them know that nobody is perfect and that nothing can bring you and the other parent back t ogether. You child will have more homework and more friends so it is important to fit this into the schedule as it continues to change through that childs life. Teenagers may experience the worst symptoms from the divorce. They often discredit marriage and refuse to get close to another person in that way or they blame themselves for the separation. In some cases they feel that they had to grow up quickly because they felt the need to assume the role of the other parent. It may also be difficult for teens to stick to a schedule because friends are more important now and they may also have jobs of their own that they are scheduled for. Dating also begins to become a factor in the scheduling conflict. The teen should be able to go out on dates as long as both parents agree, but there also needs to be a restriction on the number of outings so that both parents are able to spend the appropriate amount of time with their son/daughter. You shouldnt expect this to go perfectly, but do offe r the teen to give their input on the situation and try to all come to a compromise. Most days you experience with your child may be good days, so you should enjoy these days while they last because there may come a time when something happens and your child tells you that they hate you and would rather live with the other parent. This is just another part of trying to adjust. If most times are bad then it may be time to readjust your position. You may need to try to change some things including the visitation schedule. Divorce not only affects the child(ren) emotionally but it also plays a major role in many other aspects of their lives. Two of the strongest and most widely held beliefs about the family life today are that marriage should be a lifelong commitment and that parental divorce has serious negative effects on children. These convictions are held with such value that many people are alarmed by the high divorce rate in the United States.   The divorce rate is very high in the United States, where about 50% of all first marriages formed in the early 1990s ended in divorce (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1998).   According to the Heritage Foundation, Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents and most children will see their parents divorce before they turn 18 (Fagan and Rector, 2000). What are the major impacts being seen in these children? What are the effects on these children?   One area where divorce has a major impact on children is in their academic progress.   In 2002, USA Today did a study that used a government-sponsored database that examined 10,000 adolescents (Crouch. 2002).   This study found that the psychological damage to the child builds before the divorce but dissipated afterwards, but academic progress continues to weaken.   It speculates that these children fall behind academically and then are not able to catch up once this happens.   They lose self-esteem and motivation.   There have been many studies done and the conclusion is the same.   One study found that students from intact families outperform those students from divorced families and have higher grade point averages.   Another one found that teens from single-parent homes are twice as likely to drop out of high school.   I found it interesting that one study found that parental divorce affected female high school students more that it affected male high school stude nts. A second area where divorce has a major impact on children is their housing arrangement.   The level of home ownership among people who have divorced is much lower than those who have married and never divorced.   According to the Census Brief published by the U.S. Department of Commerce in September of 1997, more than a quarter of Americas children now live with one parent.   They did a study with divorced and never-married mothers and found that divorced parents are more educated and less likely to live in rental homes, and are less likely to be poor in comparison to the never-married mothers.   It appears from this study that being a single parent divorcee has a slight advantage over a never-married mother.   This study also showed that four million children live in the homes of their grandparents. The third area where divorce has a major impact on children is the income level of the custodial parent.   Following divorce, custodial parents, mostly mothers, generally have less income than most two-parent families.   One of the ways that lower income may impact children is through disruptions that may result from less money.   Many divorced families change residence, which may result in changing schools, childcare, friends, and other supportive relationships.   In short, less money due to these disruptions may lead to more problems for children because of the stress that change creates. The fourth area where divorce has a major impact on children is the economic losses that it creates.   Studies have shown that custodial mothers often face dramatic economic losses following divorce, leading to feelings of stress that adversely affects parenting. Researchers believe that divorce is disruptive for children largely because the custodial parent faces a significant amount of economic stress in the time period immediately following the divorce (Furstenberg 1990). These economic losses may produce major transition periods for the child like moving, changing schools or living with other household members, which can adversely affects the childs well being. It is important to remember that not all of the effects mentioned in the studies above will be experienced by all children of divorce and those problems that do emerge can be made less intense with further education, nurturing, good communication, and lots of love.   Divorce not only affects the child(ren) emotionally but it takes a toll on the parent- child relationship. In the wake of a divorce, most custodial parents expresses differing degrees of anger, disorder, decreased expectations from their child(ren), and a decline in the aptitude to separate the child(ren)s needs and actions from those of the adults involved. Studies have shown that approximately 15% of children interviewed at the 10 year follow-up point in a 15 year study showed significant effects from taking on the role of holding a custodial parent together psychologically (Eloeff, 2008). Children dealing with divorce are often left with a lot of questions because they are going through something they have never experienced before. It is important to answer every question that might arise in order for the child to better understand what is going on. Change is hard and the fear of the unknown can be difficult for children to handle on their own. Both parents need to try to make this new adjustment period as comfortable for the children as possible (Schor, 2004). Everyones life is impacted by divorce and children often have a hard time adjusting to change. For all too many kids, nonresidential parents eventually will come to play a greatly diminished role in their lives. It doesnt have to be this way, and with sensitivity, planning, and common sense, parents can sidestep many common visitation problems (Neuman, p.272). So therefore, it is up to the parents to help their child(ren) to cope with the divorce and try to prevent this from happening. There are two general cha nnels that can be taken to help the child(ren) deal with the divorce experience. They are parental effort and outside help. During parental effort, it is important to communicate with your child(ren) that you love them and that you dont hate them even if you dont normally do those things, but it is important for your child(ren) to feel reassured. Avoid talking to your child(ren) about the divorce situation or any financial woes that you may be experiencing. It is best for your child(ren) to continue to be neutral to both parents. You should also not use your child(ren) as a messenger to see what the other parent is up to. This can make your child feel stressed and feel like they are betraying their other parent. Also, dont make promises you cant keep. It only disappoints them and causes them not to trust you. Children need to be reassured; just because the marriage is over doesnt mean that they arent a family anymore. Children must be told and told again: Divorce means your parents have lost love for each other and do not want to live together anymore. However, divorce in no way changes our love for you ( Pickhardt, p. 84). Both parents need to try to avoid bad mouthing the other parent in front of the child(ren). This may prevent the child from feeling stressed out about double loyalties. You need to keep a sense of normalcy for your child so that they can feel that their lives have some stability after such a drastic change in their living situations. One of the best ways to help a child feel rooted, protected, and loved, is to have rules (Pickhardt, p. 25). It is important to create the rules together so that the child has the same boundaries at either home and that the other parent doesnt appear to be better because the child has no responsibilities when they stay with them. The parents should keep the lines of communication open with their child(ren) and never stop attempting to make contact with their child(ren). They should also maintain an interest in what is going on with the child(ren); know who theyre hanging out with and how theyre doing in school and extracurricular acti vities. Most children want to make both parents happy, and it is up to the parents to make this an easy task. As for the outside help avenue, this is a route to take when the parental effort is not helping. Counseling and/or an intervention program can help improve matters by being a neutral third party. They help in accomplishing things like, helping children to express their anger, as well as helping the parents to better understand how to appropriately respond to the concerns that the child(ren) may have. Parents should consider seeking professional help when their child is having problems accepting reality about the divorce or seem to be going through some serious behavioral changes. Meeting with a psychiatrist or a counselor who specializes in divorce can be very beneficial for everyone involved. It doesnt matter which route is used to help them get through the divorce process as long as the child(ren)s best interest is kept as the top priority during and after the divorce. All in all, children can be severely traumatized by divorce. Many of the effects felt can be long lasting or some may go away within a few weeks. If the divorce is nasty or is prolonged due to a custody battle, then the effects can last a lifetime. Children face many issues when going through a divorce. There are issues with self-esteem, loss of sense of security, the sleeper effect, and it even has an effect on birthdays and holidays. These problems can last forever in a child, even into adulthood. When children have to go through a divorce, they deal with issues regarding their self-esteem. They may feel like they caused the divorce themselves. The child(ren) may also feel like they did something wrong to where mommy or daddy doesnt want to be with them anymore. If these issues are not addressed early on, they can be long lasting and when developing, the older child will have low self-esteem. This can lead to poor grades in school, little to no friends, using drugs, and trouble in the streets. Another issue children deal with when going through a divorce is in the area of security. The child(ren) may develop fears that both parents will abandon him or her. There may also be fears about what is to come. What will happen from here? Where does the child(ren) end up? These are thoughts about security that may come during a divorce. In addition, the absence of one of their parents can make the child(ren) feel extremely lonely. This can also last a lifetime if not dealt with early on. It can lead to the child(ren) growing up feeling scared and worried. He or she may have relationship problems and may not be able to trust anyone and can also lead to depression. Some studies suggest that there is a sleeper effect. This is the idea that a child that goes through a divorce and recovers rather quickly. Then, because of denied feelings at the subconscious level, they will have a resurgence of fear, anger, guilt, and anxiety which doesnt kick in until well into adulthood. These feelings tend to arise when a young adult is attempting to make important life decisions, such as marriage. Another effect divorce has on children is dealing with holidays and birthdays. This will last a lifetime, because birthdays and holidays will have to be split, if this is the agreement. If there is time-sharing in place, or an agreement has been made, the child may have to spend every other birthday with the mother and father. With holidays, there may be time-sharing involved, where the child spends half the holidays with the father, and the other half with the mother. This can certainly last into adulthood, because the family will not be together, and there may have to be time split between the two parents homes. Some children are affected more by divorce than others. However, all children will be affected by a divorce no matter what. The things that parents do and dont do will greatly impact exactly how much a child is affected by the divorce. In addition, the childs gender, age, psychological health, and maturity will also all affect how a divorce impacts a child. Dealing with the divorce as best as possible will help lessen the effects on a child and make it easier to get through. Only time will tell how much it has actually affected the particular child in a particular circumstance. Of course, as we all know, divorce is a painful process for everyone involved; the legal act of breaking apart a family is taxing on both the heart and mind, but we see this most in children. Divorce rates are high and our children are suffering. Everyone should take their childrens feelings into consideration when going through a divorce because the childs life is impacted as well. It is very important that parents help their children adjust to all the changes going on in their life and address any behavioral or psychological problems the moment they arise.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Absurdity of Scientific Creationism Essay -- Science Religion Essa

The Absurdity of Scientific Creationism We humans have always thought of ourselves as being unique, whether by divine sanction or by a self-established belief in superiority. For some, this understanding is intimately tied to the traditional tenets that have long been held as fact, having only recently been challenged. For modern Christians, the literal interpretation of the Bible=s account of creation has come under attack by the development and widespread acceptance of Darwinian evolution. To some, undermining the credibility of Biblical creation directly calls into question the Bible=s authority on its moral teachings. As Ken Ham, from the WGBH Boston Video Evolution Series: What About God? states, AYwhat it [the Bible] says is what it meansYit relates to the authority of scripture and the gospelsYso, if the Bible got it wrong in astronomyYgeologyYbiologyYthen why should I trust the Bible when it talks about morality and salvation? [i]@ It is no wonder with sentiments like these that the backlash against evolution has been so strong and lasting; nonetheless, it has not been until the last few decades that such a debate has moved from the pulpit to the laboratory. With a more educated and well-informed army of Christians, who believe in creationism, the scientific evidence for evolution has now come under assault. With creationists and intelligent design advocates like Henry M. Morris and Michael J. Behe respectively, the attack on Darwin is no longer argued as religion versus evolution per se, but rather one Alegitimate@ scientific theory against another. Here, we examine some of the scientific arguments presented by Henry M. Morris in his various publications. As a biology major, I find Morris= writings fascin... ...nd John D. Morris. The Modern Creation Trilogy: Science & Creation. Vol. 2. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1997. [xvi] [Date Accessed: Saturday, February 1, 2003] [xvii] [Date Accessed: Saturday, February 1, 2003] [xviii] [Date Accessed: Saturday, February 1, 2003] [xix] Morris, Henry H. Scientific Creationism. Appleman 557-564. [xx] Morris, Henry M., and John D. Morris. The Modern Creation Trilogy: Science & Creation. Vol. 2. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1997. [xxi] Morris, Henry M., and John D. Morris. The Modern Creation Trilogy: Science & Creation. Vol. 2. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1997. [xxii] Evolution: What About God? Videocassette. WGBH Boston Video, 2001. 60 min.

nucor case :: essays research papers

Nucor Corporation is constantly faced with obstacles and competition to overcome. This steel-making company whose name was formally adopted in 1972, has since been on a journey to join the ranks of the worlds leading steel companies. Although this is a highly profitable industry with a U.S. market of $94.9 billion, it is highly competitive and presents many bariers to entry. Three elements of competition in this particular industry include, 1.) Technology 2) Changes in cost and efficiencies and 3) globalization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Advances in technology can dramatically alter an industry’s landscape, making it possible to produce products at lower costs and opening up whole new industry frontiers. The management at Nucor believed they could use new technology to their advantage and make bolts as cheaply as foreign producers. The traditional integrated steel mills were outdated and inefficient compared to new electric minimills. Nucor embraced this new technology to produce steel. They became known for constructing state-of-the-art facilities at the lowest possible costs and for investing aggressively in plant modernization and efficiency improvements. New technology enabled minimills to triple their output in the 1990's. The new technology of twin shell electric arc furnaces helped minimills increase production, lower costs, and take additional market shares. Nucor’s use of advanced, efficient technologies enabled it to stay afloat when other companies could not. This use of t echnology also enables Nucor to lower many of the costs of maintaining environmental standards. With technological improvements to the plants and the production process, steel companies can better compete with each other. Because there is no real differentiation between products in the steel industry, companies will have to rely on technological innovation to profit in this industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As stated above, there is no real differentiation in products in this industry. Therefore steel companies have to be able to produce high quality products at low cost to compete. By improving production efficiencies and cost management, they will be a more profitable company. Nucor constantly spent money researching new ways to improve the production processes and keep up with the emerging markets. Nucor was known for constructing state-of-the-art facilities at the lowest cost and investing in plant modernizing and efficiency. At the Darlington plant the manger there developed a system where less time and less capital investment were required. This helped keep the fuel usage down and this was the only mill in the United States that was doing this.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

STATEMENTOF PURPOSE â€Å"The real secret of success is enthusiasm†-Walter Chrysler This is Sneha Vynathi Garaga, pursuing final year of under-graduation from Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology ( in Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is with great incitement and warmth that I write this personnel statement to discuss my academics and motivation for pursuing graduate studies. In my schooling, after identifying my diligence in academics, I was selected to attend five-day 58th International Astronautical congress (IAC) held at Hi-tech city, Hyderabad. I was inspired immensely by the speech given by Sunita Williams and it was, indeed, a huge source of inspiration for me to pursue my career in the field of technology. Following this motivation, I opted for Electronics and Communication Engineering as my under-graduate major. Though my major in under-graduation is electronics, I am applying for Master’s study in Computer science. I joined my under-graduate college with interest towards electronics; however, later I realized that I have a great inclination towards c...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The extraordinarily horrible Robot

It was my mate's birthday. He was going to turn 14. I wanted to get him something really special because I have known him since we were two years old. My mum told me that we were both born in the same hospital in London but then we moved to Germany because my dad had had found a really good job. After a couple of years my mum got bored and couldn't take anymore of where she lived and told dad that she wanted to go back to London because she preferred it there and she knew more people. They both had a massive argument and stopped talking for weeks and weeks but eventually my dad apologised to mum and told her to move back into London and that he'll supply us with money and everything we need and he'll visit us once in a while. They promised each other that they'll write to each other every other week. Eventually mum found a job at an office, she was this mans secretary. This man was no ordinary man he scared me a little. He seemed really weird. He would always mutter something to mum every time he saw me it really freaked me out. As time went by my mum started to talk about dad less and she stopped replying to all his mail. I was really worried about her and really felt sorry for dad. Eventually mum phoned him, I had just walked home from a long boring, bad day from school and I was just about to slam the front door when I heard mums voice â€Å"Harry, listen to me this is really not going to work out†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† I stood silent for a minute. I silently shut the front door and walked closer to the kitchen. Then I heard my mum speak again, â€Å"listen, I've been meaning to tell you, I mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. um†¦ oh I can't do this† then she slammed the phone down and ran out the room crying. I was thinking to myself oh mum ‘what have you done you poor silly woman'. I was really surprised of what just happened and couldn't even get myself to comfort her, it was like I wanted her to suffer for what had just happened. I walked upstairs really slowly trying to process through my mind what had just happened when I heard my mum sobbing and speaking to someone. I was thinking who the hell is she talking to or is my mum just beginning to go mad. I crept up to her room, her door was slightly ajar and I peeked through and jumped back in surprise and gasped. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. My windows rattled for 2mins straight. I jumped on my bed and covered my head under the pillow and let out my anger and cried all night. I must have dosed off. When I woke up I peered at my clock sleepily, it showed 08:59. I jumped out o bed and quickly slipped my school uniform and gathered my books and went to run out my door when something threw my door open and started walking towards me with its arms outstretched and covered in a cloth hiding its identity. It was about knee high and scared the living daylights out of me. It picked up my baseball bat and held it in the swinging position and turned round and walked back towards me raising the bat as it closer. It was only a few inches away when I opened my mouth to scream. Nothing came out and the thing just swung for me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. After a few seconds I opened my eyes again and saw my mum and Steve (my mums boss) standing by the doorway in the same clothes they were in yesterday with a very large grin on their faces. That was another thing I forgot about ‘what the hell is he doing still here from last night'. Mum tells me that she and dad broke up because dad didn't care for them anymore. I know that wasn't the truth but played along with it. I know it was really Steve who made her do it. That's why he was in her room that day. I forgot about the whole thing and Steve told me he bought the robot for me as a present to show me that he will look after me really well. I just nodded and didn't smile. I think he got the picture and he just said to me ‘if you need anything just ask', and then he went. I was playing with the robot that day after school and I put the controller down and turned round to go on the internet on my computer when a heard a funny, whirring sound just like my†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ROBOT!!! I turn around and the robot was on my desk, and I left him on the floor. I screamed at the top of my pitch and nobody came. Everyone had gone out, I assumed. I picked up the robot and threw it across the room the leg and arm fell off. I left it there and fell asleep. I got up the next morning and remembered it was Jamie's birthday. He was my best friend. I forgot to get him a present. He was going to be mad at me when I got into school. After I got change and had my breakfast I went up to pick up my bag and as I stepped into my room I heard a crunch. I looked down and I saw that I had just broken the other leg. I looked at the robot and it gave me an idea. I went into school with a large box wrapped in read wrapping paper. I gave it to Jamie and I never saw him smile so much in his life. He thanked me and invited me for a sleepover that night. I delightfully said of course. I got home from school and there was a note on the kitchen table written by mum saying that she has gone away on an emergency business meeting and that she won't be back for a couple of days. I didn't think much of it. I made my way over to Jamie's and I could swear that something was following me. I turned round every now and then but all I could see was my shadow. I got to his doorstep and I pressed the doorbell relieved that I made to his house without any trouble. Jamie's dad answered it gave me a smile and took my bags an told me that mum phoned asking If I could stay round Jamie's for a few days still she gets back. I knew Jamie's family wouldn't say no. They thanked me for the present I gave Jamie and he came running down the stairs and gave me a hug and thanked me as well. I started to blush in front of his parents. We went upstairs and as I got into his room I heard his doorbell ring. I went to answer it but his mum said she'll get it. As she opened the door Jamie's dad asked who it was and before I could hear her reply Jamie cranked his music up. I ignored what happened and had fun in his room. I asked Jamie what he thought of his present. He told me he loved it but he had a funny look on his face like he was trying to change the subject. I asked him where it was and he said his dad put it in the attic because it seemed violent. I asked him to get it. Jamie said that he'll get into trouble but he said he'll get it anyway. I waited for him for 20mins and he didn't return. I went to his attic and he wasn't there. I saw blood trails on the floor and I was really frightened. I followed them and they leaded to the kitchen. I entered slowly and peered through. I stood in silence and screamed as I saw Jamie's mum, dad and Jamie all in a pile with vicious stab marks in their bodies. I turned away to run and I saw, I wasn't sure if I was looking at it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The robot was alive. It started moving towards me wit a butcher's knife in its hand and it stopped. Someone entered the room behind it with a hooded cloak. He looked up at me and smile. I could only see his mouth. He let out a evil laugh and said â€Å"now I can have your mum all to myself† and laughed continuously and the robot through the knife and it went right through my heart and just as I was closing my eyes, the figure unmasked itself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. â€Å"Steve†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† I said before I crashed to the ground. Then my eyes shut.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hospital Waste Management Essay

IntroductionHospital swash counsel is champion of the close critical and even so underrated kind of emaciate foc victimization .The suppuration number of infirmarys and the un wellnessy eating habits of the hoi polloi has contri simplyed to the rising number of patients in infirmarys. eats that ar im aright accustomed lead to ventilation of transmitting. This will lead to the unwellnessy gild as a whole. Modern mean solar twenty-four hours societies place high sizeableness on preventing the manufacturing of plastic and its By-products alone they overlook the importance of dupeing and disposing the existing plastic products that atomic number 18 in circulation. This is applicable for the hospital gaga focus as well. Hence it is insistent to focus and understand the procedures used for hospital surplus precaution.FunctionsThe hospital fumble focusing process contains the hobby stages. decimal point 1 Acquiring the contractThe hospital invites tenders from potential harry focus agencies via newspaper agencies. Hospital follows a grim selection procedure which includes the hold of the agencies eco attachment and regulatory constraints. Some of the constraints be * bite of histrions deployed in the site of louse up circumspection * The precautionary measures taken by each(prenominal)(prenominal) worker deployed * Removal of waste on weekly basis* Proper reusability of waste typify 2 Resource bothocationResource will be al position(p) establish on the waste generated by the hospital on daylight to day basis. Now generally the style calculates the amount of waste found on the bed capa urban center on the several(prenominal) hospitals. Ex St.Johns medical college hospital which is located in Hosur main road, Koramangala isone of the biggest hospitals in Bangalore and it has 2500 beds and generates a lot of hospital waste.Stage 3 Collecting the wasteHospitals give a separate bea in their expound to the agency to segregate the waste generated by them. The ward boys collect the waste on an hourly basis. The lay in waste is disposed into two distinctive bags namely departure color for Bio- hazardous waste and yellow for non- hazardous waste. The agencies collect the waste from this segregated argona.Stage 4 SegregationThe waste collected in Red and Yellow bags will be further segregated ground on the composition of that particular waste. Bio-hazardous waste such(prenominal) as needles, amputated limbs and around(prenominal) new(prenominal) corporal that was contaminated by blood be first sorted and packed in fussy containers. These containers are sent to a place located in the outskirts of the city for final disposable. express political science in India agree do several strategical decisions pertaining to HCW management. One decision was how to refine the engineering science options include in the biomedical lay waste to Rules. Although the conventions list incineration as an option for certain(prenominal) categories of BMW, concerted efforts by NGOsincluding Srishti, Toxic Link, and Jyotsna Chauhan Associatesand the matter pull in convinced most SPCBs to rule out the use of onsite incineration.In the enunciate of Andhra Pradesh, for example, where most wellness portion out facilities are in the heart of cities, the Andhra Pradesh Pollution look into circuit card prohibited incineration at health vexation facilities in the entire separate after run acrossing the potential indecent impacts of pollutant emissions from insufficient incinerators. The Kerala Pollution mark Board belatedly opted for autoclaving and deep inhumation of BMWs instead of incineration. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has proscribed incineration of BMWsexcept for body parts and valet de chambre tissues in favor of autoclaving and sanitary area filling.National and state authorities have make some applied science choicesfor HCW management taking into acco unt human health impacts in urban and rural areas. The biomedical profusion Rules specify that incineration is the judicature system of rules mandatory for human anatomical and zoology wastes for cities with cosmos greater than 500,000, and deep burial is the governing intent needed for such wastes for smaller cities and rural areas. In the State of Karnataka, however, because of the poor performance of incinerators at health burster facilities, on-the-scene(prenominal) incineration has been prohibited indoors the limits of six city municipal corporations and in all di stiff headquarters.Of these locations in Karnataka, where the population exceeds 500,000, destruction of human anatomical and wight wastes is to be accomplished by incineration plainly at CWTFs to comply with both the biomedical absquatulate Rules and state requirements. Bangalore, Hubli- Dharwad, and Mysore comply with this requirement, entirely in Mangalore, human anatomical and brute wastes are curre ntly disposed of by deep burial. In Andhra Pradesh, state authorities have selected deep burial as the disposal proposal for biodegradable infected wastes in areas with a population less(prenominal) than 500,000.This attack is non in residence with the biomedical emaciate Rules, which require local anesthetic autoclaving, microwaving, or incineration instead of deep burial, unless it is in accordance with the 1999 WHO guidelines for the safe management of wastes from health care activities. Another strategic decision for state authorities in India was whether to opt for on-site discourse of BMWs or special K word of BMWs. Common treatment of BMWs offers several advantages. 1. CWTF chiffonier be located away(p) from hospital premises and urban areas, significantly reducing the potential adverse human health impacts.2. CWTF reduces treatment and disposal costs by treating large quantities of wastes collected from many facilities (that is, it offers economies of scale), a lthough the savings must be balanced by the additional merchant marine costs from all the facilities to the CWTF.3. CWTF can give specially trained personnel who could not be easily supported by individual health care facilities, resulting in better and more efficient operation.4. The permitting, monitoring, and enforcement efforts by regulatory agencies of one CWTF are likely to be fairly effective. Nonetheless, there are challenges associated with a common treatment of BMWs. A CWTF approach imposes a civilize monetary burden on the operators of health care facilities, who previously paid minimal amounts for work associated with waste management. It also requires operating(a)(a) and behavioral changes by the operators of health care preparedness operators, who must properly segregate wastes into the types of BMW genuine by the CWTF operator. A more authorised concern is the difficulty of ensuring continued interlocking of the private sector in a CWTF when the market is uncertain because of the absence of a culture of compliance and a worn enforcement regime. Indias central political sympathies views common waste treatment as the most appropriate approach to the treatment of BMWs generated in urban areas.Andhra Pradesh was the first state to project and implement a CWTF organisation. Initially, resistance to the scheme arose from doctors who were unwilling to accept a CWTF approach for the Twin Cities area of Hydera harmful and Secunderabad and objected to the charges required for BMW treatment and disposal. Workshops were held with doctors and other celerity staff to batter their resistance, and mass awareness campaigns were conducted in Andhra Pradesh virtually the need for safe BMW treatment and disposal. both privately owned CWTFs were round up in the state to treat BMWs from Hyderabad and Warangal Districts, using the same types of technologies (incineration and autoclaving).The successful model for a privately owned and operated CWTF used in Andhra Pradesh was subsequently emulated in other statesincluding Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Naduand plans for convertible CWTFs have latterly been select in the States of Gujarat, Kerala, brand-new Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Karnataka In Karnataka, two CWTFsone in northern and the other in south Bangalore have been operating using incineration and microwave technologies to practise about 6,000 beds in the city.Another CWTF in Mysore, which uses the incineration and autoclave technologies, was commissioned for 67 health care facilities with 7,000 beds. Two additional CWTFs, both found on the incineration technology, were com-missioner new-fashionedly in Belgaum and Hubli- Dhardwad. Three additional CWTFs are outlet into place in Karnataka at Gulbarga, Mangalore, and Shimoga. All the CWTFs in Karnataka are located away from thecity limits, with transportation of BMWs provided by the CWTF operator.Stage 5 Selling the waste to the Wh olesalerThe segregated toss away is thusly sold to the jobber . there are 3 types of wholesalers namely* Glass establish* physical composition found* Plastic base* Glass based Once the field glass over based wholesaler receives the bottles, he segregates the bottles which can be reused and sends it back to the respective companies and the bottles which cannot be reused are crushed and and whence fluid and made into distinct glass products . * Paper based Once the paper based wholesaler receives the segregated papers the like thumpes are crushed and handle then it is converted to a carton box again .The papers are scattered on the basis of their color and then treated for ink removal and then sent to paper mills. * Plastic based The sorted plastic is first water- wash with chemical substances to remove all hazards and then it is grinded and it is made into powder so that it loses its original shape. thence this particular powder is sold to the factories, they wither it and make it into unlike products. Materials and methods there are a few amenities required by the waste management agencies to subroutine in effective manner. 1. The yard provided by the hospital should have a detonating device .The yard should be ventilated properly .Otherwise most of the products are wet, they start emitting bad odor .This may cause infection to the workers in the yard.2. distributively and every worker should be provided with a pair of surgical gloves .He also has to wear proper footwear. There are chances of infected real approach shot to the yard, so this will prevent them from get infected.3. The burning of the hazardous waste secure should be done exterior the city limits where the population is minimal and the ashes should be interred marginal 20 feet below the ground. There should be a minimum of 50 feet chimney to let the smoke outside .The ashes should not be buried anyhow nextto ground water irrigation.4. The glass and plastic wholesaler should take tautologic care to see to that the materials are washed properly with the right chemicals to prevent any kind of infection.5. The workers in the yard and the wholesalers warehouse should follow strict precautionary measures and they should be provided with hand sanitizer.merchandising planThe marketing strategy of hospital waste management varies depending on their operable capabilities. Large scale operators like Maridi based in Hyderabad and Synergy based in Delhi use advertising campaigns to attract prospective customers while small players like Sathya Eco- precaution based in Bangalore, follow variant of direct marketing by approaching hospitals to collect Hospital wasteFinancing and IncentivesThe following table describes approximate revenue of Sathya Eco- focusingThe revenues in 2008 were boosted by The Beijing Olympics where large quantities of conflict were exported from India to China. This year was unusual as compared to other years where the revenues fluctu ated within the range of 12 to 16 lakhs. The financial cycle begins with the invitation of the tenders from the hospitals. future bidders who satisfy the selection criteria pay the required amount in demand rough drawing copysmanship. The waste management agencies would then dish out the procured material to the wholesalers. The wholesaler then sells his product to the different factories. The factories convert the procured material into the product and sell it back to the consumers. The wages are made every week on a daily rate basis.Regulatory good exampleIndia was the first country in southmost Asia to establish a legal material for the management of health care wastes. The development ofIndias legal framework began in 1995.At that time the scope of the HCW problem was or else large. According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)the technical arm of Indias Ministry of milieu and Forestsan estimated 150 tons/day of biomedical waste generated from health care fac ilities were cosmos mixed in with common wastes without adequate attention to proper waste management procedures (CPCB 2000).In 1995, Indias Ministry of Environment and Forests drawing offed rules for managing BMWs that proposed(a) Each health care facility with more than 30 beds or avail more than 1,000 patients per month installs an incinerator on its premises.(b) littler health care facilities set up a common incinerator facility. Shortly thereafter, in March 1996, the Supreme speak to direct the Government of India to install incinerators at all hospitals in the New Delhi area that had more than 50 beds. Sixty incinerators were installed in the New Delhi area, and 26 of them are still in service. Only one of these incinerators meets todays national normsan incinerator at RML Hospital that was re engineered by CPCB.Meanwhile, in 1995, Srishti, a nongovernmental memorial tablet (NGO), had taken a survey that revealed unhealthful practices and associated risks in dealing wit h HCWs in India. In 1996, Srishti initiated public interest litigation against the government that led the Supreme Court to retool its initial position for incineration at health care facilities by ordering Indias Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)the technical arm of the Ministry of Environment and Foreststo numerate alternative and safer technologies in HCW management rules and to set up technology standards.A study drawback of incineration is that it produces toxic air emissions. The principal pollutants in terms of public health are heavy metals (such as cadmium, mercury, and lead), hazardous by-products from combustion (such as dioxins and furans), and particulate matter. Srishti asked the Supreme Court to require alternative and safer technologies in therules and the pose up of standards for these alternative technologies.At Srishtis urging, Indias Supreme Court revise its initial position and ordered CPCB to consider alternative BMW treatment and disposal technologie s. amongst 1996 and 1998, while CPCB was evaluating alternative technologies, there were intensifier consultations among government officials, health care representatives, scientists, members of the industry, and NGOs. The pass completion of all these efforts was the preparation and publication by Indias Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Biomedical pine (Handling and Management) Rules of 1998.Those rules are discussed further below.The Biomedical furious Rules of 1998Indias Biomedical Waste Rules of 1998, which were amend twice in 2000, are based on the principle of segregation of communal waste from BMWs, followed by containment, treatment, and disposal of different categories of BMW .The rules classify BMWs into 10 categories and require particular(prenominal) containment, treatment, and disposal methods for each waste category. An overview of the BMW treatment and disposal technologies specified in the Biomedical Waste Rules. BMW treatment options include autoclavi ng, microwaving, incineration, and chemical treatment in addition, hydroclaving has been approved by CPCB as an alternative treatment technology. BMW disposal options include deep burial and assure and municipal estate filling for solid wastes, and discharge into drains (after chemical treatment) for liquid wastes.Indias Biomedical Waste Rules are similar to those in international practice, although they have some internal inconsistencies and deviate in some respects from the procedures the World Health agreement (WHO) recommends for managing HCWs. National Guidelines for Implementing the Biomedical Waste Rules Each state or territory in India is responsible for implementing Indias Biomedical Waste Rules, and State Pollution Control Boards in states or Pollution Control Committees in the territories are innovationated as the prescribed authorities. Although environmental standards and guidelines for the management of BMWs were developed by Indias CPCB in 1996 (CPCB 1996), these were merely technicalstandards for technology options for health care facilities. In 2000, CPCB print a manual on hospital waste management that provided technical guidance for carrying out Indias Biomedical Waste Rules in the areas of HCW segregation, stock, transport, and treatment (CPCB 2000).The CPCB manual gave special emphasis to BMW incineration, applicationing incinerator emissions, maintenance requirements, operational problems and solutions, and defilement control systems. Suggestions regarding common waste treatment facilities (CWTFs) for BMW treatment were also included in the manual. CPCBs manual was informative, but it was not comprehensive enough to cover all aspects of Indias Biomedical Waste Rules, such as sharps management, handling of infectious liquid wastes, minimization of BMW generation, training of health care facility employees, and recordkeeping and monitoring procedures.As discussed below, a positive development is that CPCB has recently issued two set s of draft guidelines, one set pertaining to the treatment of BMWs at CWTFs (CPCB) and the other pertaining to the design and construction of BMW incinerators. CPCBs recent draft guidelines on CWTFs set out requirements for the location, trim size, coverage area (in terms of the supreme number of beds served), treatment equipment, and infrastructure apparatus of the CWTF collection and transportation of BMWs, and disposal of treated BMWs and other operational issues. The listed technologies in the draft guidelines include those prescribed in the Biomedical Waste Rules, plus hydroclaving. The draft guidelines prescriptions are not always well justified.For example, the minimum coverage of each CWTF is set at 10,000 health care facility beds, without reflexion for local conditions such as the geographic dispersion of the health care facilities the suggested land area for each CWTF is 1 acre, but no basis for this suggestion is presented. In addition, the draft guidelines propose a 150-km-radius operational area, which would cover health care facilities in rural areas. This proposal becomes more definitive in the current debates around sharps wastes from immunisation in India as the new types of auto disposable plastic syringes are being characterized as safer options than glass syringes. Moreover, CPCBs draft guidelines appear to be prescriptive on the waste management charge scheme instead of letting the optimum scheme develop on the basis of experience gained in India.CPCBs recent draft guidelines for BMW incinerators include requirements for the incinerator design and its air pollution control device, physical structures (incineration and waste storage rooms), operator qualifications, personal protection equipment, and fate procedures. These guidelines restrict incineration of BMWs only at CWTFs, with the elision of on-site incineration upon special approval by CPCB.The draft guidelines strong bias against on-site incineration at health care facilitie s is a major deviation from the Biomedical Waste Rules, which are equally applicable to the on-site and CWTF incinerators. It is clear that the new emphasis reflects the recent findings about the poor design and operating conditions of on-site incineration equipment at health care facilities in India vis--vis the requirements of the Biomedical Waste Rules. finishingThere is no denying that hospital waste management plays a crucial role in the sustainability and growth of a red-blooded society. So it is imperative all the stakeholders complex in the hospital waste management industry follow the best possible, environmental friendly, effective and efficient practices. In conclusion, everything boils come out to the long term health and sustainability of our landed estate and it is important to keep in thinker that we do not inherit the cosmos from our ancestors but we borrow it from our children.References* Sathya Eco-management, Bangalore.* Raja plastic, Mysore Road, Bangalore .* Maridi Bio-Waste Management (* Health Care Waste Management in India by BEKIR ONURSAL .